Source code moved to GitHub


If you're looking for the Zine Arranger source code, I moved it over to GitHub:

When I had it on here, the Zine Arranger page was showing a "Download Now" button right below the frame with the app itself, which I think may have been confusing some people who thought that it was the button for downloading their formatted zine. So I felt it was better to move the source code than risk confusing folks. Now the button reads "Support This Tool", which is more clearly not the way to export your work.

Sorry if anyone was confused by the previous layout! The way to get the formatted zine is to click the "Print" button inside the app, which will bring up your browser's print window. You should have an option to "Print to PDF", which will give you the file, or if you're ready to print, you can print directly from the app as well.

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